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About Bothas Hill Ratepayers’ and Residents’ Association (BHRA)

The Bothas Hill Residents Association is a non-political, non-profit, civic organization whose core business is to ensure fair best practice in local government and to ensure the sustainability of its immediate natural environment.

The BHRA is a legal entity in itself with a proper constitution and true desire to offer representation to all, within Ward 8, Outer West Municipal area.

Vision Statement:

Representing the individual and collective interests of all residents within the geographical boundaries of Ward 8, Outer West Municipal area.

Mission Statement:

Ensuring best fair practise in the Ward 8, Outer West Municipal area in terms of all government spheres,bussiness and civil activities, to pursue a safe and secure lifestyle for all within a healthy and sustainable natural environment.

Values and norms:

Good and sustainable environmental conservation and awareness.
Sensible urban planning and development.
Healthy and sustainable economic development.
Healthy and sustainable socio- economic development.
Custodianship of fair and best practice in local government.
Custodianship of a safe and healthy environment and lifestyle for all residents and visitors.
General public participation and awareness.
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